
On a lovely July day, Sir Walter and his human buds, Danielle and Patrick, were at a food truck park in Austin, Texas. They (D&P) were enjoying some lattes, but felt bad that they couldn't get a delicious snack for Sir Walter. Coffee was out of the question, since caffeine is bad for pups, so the little guy got nothing. 

"Well," thought the humans, "this is just not right! Sir Walter (and all the other good dogs out there) deserve a tasty treat when their human companions are out and about." 

Dogs love bone broth and it's easy to mix bone broth powder in water. So... D&P got to work and mixed up the first batch of Dog Brew for Sir Walter. As you can see from the picture, he loved it. 

We thought other pooches might like it too, so we made up a few batches and tested it out with some other local doggies. The decision was unanimous: all the dogs loved it! So we decided to make it available to all the dogs of Austin... and beyond.